نوشته شده توسط : andiufsenr

The face indicates presence. The psalmist “seeks the face of God” ever yearning to experience divine presence and power. Let’s get behind the faces we see today and strive to brighten up a few of them with a kind word, a generous deed or a contagious smile. “O God, may your face shine upon us that we may be saved” and “May the Lord make his face to shine upon you”. But, did you check about wearing a big smile to light up your face? A song from the Broadway musical Annie insightfully says: “You’re never fully dressed without a smile”. Gospel writer Luke describes the face of Christianity’s first martyr, Stephen, as the “face of an angel” and the transfigured face of Jesus “shone like the sun” indicating his divine nature. The faces of those you call chaiwalla, sabziwalli, chowkidar, maali or driver might only interest you for providing the services you need.

Today, your face will reveal to those you meet whether you’re glad or sad, whether you wish to talk to them or ignore them, and whether you wish them well or are simply uninterested in their welfare. So, why don’t you put your best face forward to everyone you’ll face today?In the Bible, “face” has many meanings. To “see the face” simply means to be in the presence of someone. When the king asks: “Why is your face sad?” it means, “Why are you sad?” With childlike simplicity, when Moses desires to hide himself, he covers his face and his radiant face amply indicates that he has seen God. But they all have names, besides being fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers of someone who loves them dearly. Moreover, the face wholesale CNC Universal Cylindrical Grinding Machine online stands for light and blessing. How true. Face stands for the “self”.Your face is your passport to enter into people’s lives. To honour one’s face is to honour the person her/himself.

Wouldn’t it be good to put names to faces?Giving a few extra bucks to the driver who drove you to work, asking the maali about his family, or gifting your cook a new sari occasionally cause faces to brighten and smiles to lengthen.The face reveals nature and character.Every face tells a story.Be attentive to those you will face today. Even if others’ faces do not light up; surely, one will: yours. Prophet Ezekiel reproaches the wicked by saying: “Shame shall be on their faces”.Finally, the face reveals emotions: “No longer shall Jacob be ashamed, no longer shall his face grow pale,” and, “A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance”.Getting dressed this morning, you must have certainly looked into a mirror. You probably took great care to make yourself look presentable, even lovable.

:: برچسب‌ها: China Combined Grinding Machine ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 93
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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 1 دی 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : andiufsenr

Los Angeles: Following days of protests, police in San Diego on Friday released video footage of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man, saying the decision was made to counter "misinformation" being circulated about the incident."We want to make sure that everyone's safe, everyone gets home," he added, standing alongside the police chief at the news conference. We just need protection, that's all.According to local media reports, it took police 50 minutes to dispatch officers to the scene.He was released from custody both times, as US law dictates that immigrants cannot be held indefinitely if their country of origin refuses to allow them back.He is then seen being tasered and shot as he points an object at one of the officers.. I wanted him to enjoy his daughter."According to a document obtained by AFP, US immigration authorities twice unsuccessfully tried to deport Olango, once for transporting and selling drugs and later for a firearms conviction.He said Olango's family had declined to watch the video earlier in the day and the decision to release it was to dispel any "misconceptions" about what happened.Local officials in El Cajon have vowed a thorough and transparent investigation and initially refused to release the video of the incident pending the outcome of a probe."The family initially immigrated to New York as refugees in 1991 but then eventually moved to southern California.

Olango attended school in San Diego before dropping out, according to media reports, and worked as a cook at a Hooters restaurant."She said the family had arrived as refugees in the United States 25 years ago, fleeing unrest in Uganda.'Came from war zone'"We came from a war zone," she said.Olango's mother, Pamela Benge, said on Thursday that her son had had a breakdown after losing a friend but was not mentally ill.The grainy cellphone and surveillance videos show the victim, Alfred Olango, 38, a Ugandan immigrant, pacing back and forth as he is confronted by two police officers in the parking lot of a strip mall.Several local African-American community leaders welcomed the release of the video on Friday and urging the community to remain calm.Davis said police used tear gas to disperse the crowd and five people were arrested."Our only concern at this point was community safety," he added.In both instances, Ugandan authorities refused to issue travel documents allowing Olango to return to his homeland, US authorities said.Davis said the two officers involved in the incident -- both 21-year veterans -- had been placed on administrative leave."Our goal today is to clarify and hopefully calm the community's concerns regarding the recent officer-involved shooting," police chief Jeff Davis told reporters on Friday as he released the video footage.

The police confrontation with Olango took place after his sister called police three times saying he was acting erratically and walking into traffic.The cylindrical object turned out to be a vape inhaler.The deadly confrontation in El Cajon, a suburb of San Diego, has prompted daily street demonstrations that turned violent late Thursday after protesters blocked some streets, hurling bottles and rocks at passing vehicles and police and smashing car windows.One person was also pulled off his motorcycle."It is okay to protest, but we want folks to protest in peace," said the Reverend Gerald Brown, executive director of the United African-American Ministerial Action Council. "I wanted his future to be longer than that.The shooting took place as the United States is reeling from a string of police shootings of black men, including one earlier this month in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and another in Charlotte, North Carolina, that also ignited protests and heightened racial tensions.The video shows the man being tasered and shot by police as he points an object, which turned out to be a vape inhaler, at one officer."Davis said several stores had shut down on Friday and schools had let out students early, fearing more violence. "We felt that the aggression of some of the protesters was escalating to the point where it was necessary to release some information."We want to make sure China wholesale Combined Grinding Machine that the (police) officers are safe, as well. "I thought a lovely nice country like this would protect us."My son was a good, loving young man," she said tearfully

:: برچسب‌ها: China Combined Grinding Machine ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 86
امتیاز مطلب : 0
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : سه شنبه 25 آذر 1399 | نظرات ()

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